I am happy for every single prayer. You can find recent prayer requests on the right below the prayer box and in my newsletter. Every prayer causes change and encouragement.
My heart jumps excited over postcards, letters and packages. If you want to send me sth just use the address below.
YWAM Lausanne
Maike Rose
Mehlbaumstraße 57
72458 Albstadt
As a missionary i am financially carried by a group of people that support me. These people come for all my costs of living just as rental fee, insurance, provision, travel expenses, expenses for outreaches, hygiene products and pocket money. For me this is a completely new experience. But God called me to the missions field and i trust him, that he will provide for me in my duty by people like you.
Is only possible through giving to my account to the Liebenzeller Mission
*The donations to this account do not increase my salary. They are used by LM to cover the costs of my constant salary.
Via my Paypal-Me Link you can send money directly to me. Use the option gift for a friend to not have any fees (there might me a fee for currency exchange though).
On demand i will send you my data. This option is most suitable for regular support.
For other currencies then € its best to use TransferWise https://transferwise.com/invite/i/maiker17